Pre & Post Dieta

Pre & Post Dieta

Pre & Post Dieta


One of the most important aspects of the master plant dieta is following the
time-honored tradition of a restricted diet and not engaging in specific
activities before and after your time with us. This is to prepare and
nurture the mind, body, and spirit for the powerful energetic work to be done.

One of the most important aspects of the master plant dieta is following the
time-honored tradition of a restricted diet and not engaging in specific
activities before and after your time with us. This is to prepare and
nurture the mind, body, and spirit for the powerful energetic work to be done.

One of the most important aspects of the master plant dieta is following the
time-honored tradition of a restricted diet and not engaging in specific
activities before and after your time with us. This is to prepare and
nurture the mind, body, and spirit for the powerful energetic work to be done.

One of the most important aspects of the master plant dieta is following the time-honored tradition of a restricted diet and not engaging in specific activities before and after your time with us. This is to prepare and nurture the mind, body, and spirit for the powerful energetic work to be done.


To explain with greater clarity we share this analogy; when planting a seed to grow a healthy plant, it is necessary to prepare the soil; to remove impurities and nurture it with nutrients. In order to allow your own inner soil to thrive takes awareness of what you consume and engage with physically, mentally and emotionally before your diet.

If you arrive with us with having prepared and nurtured yourself, the work you do here will be able to go deeper and produce far stronger and more resilient roots.


One of the most important aspects of the master plant dieta is following the
time-honored tradition of a restricted diet and not engaging in specific
activities before and after your time with us. This is to prepare and
nurture the mind, body, and spirit for the powerful energetic work to be done.

One of the most important aspects of the master plant dieta is following the time-honored tradition of a restricted diet and not engaging in specific activities before and after your time with us. This is to prepare and nurture the mind, body, and spirit for the powerful energetic work to be done.

One of the most important aspects of the master plant dieta is following the time-honored tradition of a restricted diet and not engaging in specific activities before and after your time with us. This is to prepare and nurture the mind, body, and spirit for the powerful energetic work to be done.

Your Commitment: Preparation & Completion

We can’t stress enough the importance of a committed dedication to your pre and post-diet preparations and integration. The pre-diet initiates the cleansing of your mind and body, it also transmits to the spirit of ayahuasca and master plants your intention, self-discipline, and commitment.

The post diet, which is of the utmost importance, helps to integrate the healing energy of the plants, ayahuasca, and all the energetic vibrations the maestros have imprinted in you. It is essential to continue the diet once you have left us to ensure the ikaros and plant remedies you have received are given sufficient time to integrate, cleanse and heal. By preparing sufficiently, you may also reduce the amount of purging needed to clean your physical body, the earlier you can adhere to the restrictions, the better. There are many foods, drugs, and pharmaceuticals that could cause an adverse reaction to certain Amazonian plant medicines. Once you have committed with yourself to embark on this journey, it is important, to begin with clarity what to engage with and what not to. The biggest energy shifters, and most important to abstain from, are; sex, alcohol, recreational and pharmaceutical drugs, and pork.

Your Commitment: Preparation & Completion

We can’t stress enough the importance of a committed dedication to your pre and post-diet preparations and integration. The pre-diet initiates the cleansing of your mind and body, it also transmits to the spirit of ayahuasca and master plants your intention, self-discipline, and commitment.

The post diet, which is of the utmost importance, helps to integrate the healing energy of the plants, ayahuasca, and all the energetic vibrations the maestros have imprinted in you. It is essential to continue the diet once you have left us to ensure the ikaros and plant remedies you have received are given sufficient time to integrate, cleanse and heal. By preparing sufficiently, you may also reduce the amount of purging needed to clean your physical body, the earlier you can adhere to the restrictions, the better. There are many foods, drugs, and pharmaceuticals that could cause an adverse reaction to certain Amazonian plant medicines. Once you have committed with yourself to embark on this journey, it is important, to begin with clarity what to engage with and what not to. The biggest energy shifters, and most important to abstain from, are; sex, alcohol, recreational and pharmaceutical drugs, and pork.

Your Commitment: Preparation & Completion

We can’t stress enough the importance of a committed dedication to your pre and post-diet preparations and integration. The pre-diet initiates the cleansing of your mind and body, it also transmits to the spirit of ayahuasca and master plants your intention, self-discipline, and commitment.

The post diet, which is of the utmost importance, helps to integrate the healing energy of the plants, ayahuasca, and all the energetic vibrations the maestros have imprinted in you. It is essential to continue the diet once you have left us to ensure the ikaros and plant remedies you have received are given sufficient time to integrate, cleanse and heal. By preparing sufficiently, you may also reduce the amount of purging needed to clean your physical body, the earlier you can adhere to the restrictions, the better. There are many foods, drugs, and pharmaceuticals that could cause an adverse reaction to certain Amazonian plant medicines. Once you have committed with yourself to embark on this journey, it is important, to begin with clarity what to engage with and what not to. The biggest energy shifters, and most important to abstain from, are; sex, alcohol, recreational and pharmaceutical drugs, and pork.

Your Commitment: Preparation & Completion

We can’t stress enough the importance of a committed dedication to your pre and post-diet preparations and integration. The pre-diet initiates the cleansing of your mind and body, it also transmits to the spirit of ayahuasca and master plants your intention, self-discipline, and commitment.

The post diet, which is of the utmost importance, helps to integrate the healing energy of the plants, ayahuasca, and all the energetic vibrations the maestros have imprinted in you. It is essential to continue the diet once you have left us to ensure the ikaros and plant remedies you have received are given sufficient time to integrate, cleanse and heal. By preparing sufficiently, you may also reduce the amount of purging needed to clean your physical body, the earlier you can adhere to the restrictions, the better. There are many foods, drugs, and pharmaceuticals that could cause an adverse reaction to certain Amazonian plant medicines. Once you have committed with yourself to embark on this journey, it is important, to begin with clarity what to engage with and what not to. The biggest energy shifters, and most important to abstain from, are; sex, alcohol, recreational and pharmaceutical drugs, and pork.

Portra 400⁺² –

A dieta is a commitment and a responsibility, not only to the plant but also to yourself. It cultivates a spiritual, and oftentimes emotional bond between the participant and the plant spirit, and just like any relationship it takes nurturing, dedication, respect, honesty and ultimately, love, for it to thrive and grow to its fullest potential. This is true of the pre and post diet.


A dieta is a commitment and a responsibility, not only to the plant but also to yourself. It cultivates a spiritual, and oftentimes emotional bond between the participant and the plant spirit, and just like any relationship it takes nurturing, dedication, respect, honesty and ultimately, love, for it to thrive and grow to its fullest potential. This is true of the pre and post diet.


A dieta is a commitment and a responsibility, not only to the plant but also to yourself. It cultivates a spiritual, and oftentimes emotional bond between the participant and the plant spirit, and just like any relationship it takes nurturing, dedication, respect, honesty and ultimately, love, for it to thrive and grow to its fullest potential. This is true of the pre and post diet.


A dieta is a commitment and a responsibility, not only to the plant but also to yourself. It cultivates a spiritual, and oftentimes emotional bond between the participant and the plant spirit, and just like any relationship it takes nurturing, dedication, respect, honesty and ultimately, love, for it to thrive and grow to its fullest potential. This is true of the pre and post diet. 

Your Journey

The dieta is a journey that does not start and finish when you arrive with us, the journey with the plant spirit begins before you arrive, and in many cases continues on for life. The more care and attention you give this journey and relationship, the stronger and deeper the bond, the clearer the wisdom shared and easier it will be to integrate within.

Our experience is that plants communicate and respond with vibrational energy, and are incredibly sensitive to their environments and to the vibrations of the humans around them. With this in mind, when preparing mentally and physically for your dieta, we encourage you to seek loving and nurturing environments pre and post-dieta; to engage as often as possible with loving thoughts and actions; to grow seeds of joy within; find pleasure in creativity, and to see any challenges that may arise from the dietary and sexual restrictions as part of the healing and gift to yourself.  

Master plants we work with

Your Journey

The dieta is a journey that does not start and finish when you arrive with us, the journey with the plant spirit begins before you arrive, and in many cases continues on for life. The more care and attention you give this journey and relationship, the stronger and deeper the bond, the clearer the wisdom shared and easier it will be to integrate within.

Our experience is that plants communicate and respond with vibrational energy, and are incredibly sensitive to their environments and to the vibrations of the humans around them. With this in mind, when preparing mentally and physically for your dieta, we encourage you to seek loving and nurturing environments pre and post-dieta, to engage as often as possible with loving thoughts and actions, to grow seeds of joy within, find pleasure in creativity, to see any challenges that may arise from the dietary and sexual restrictions as for your greater good, for healing and as a gift to yourself.  

Your Journey

The dieta is a journey that does not start and finish when you arrive with us, the journey with the plant spirit begins before you arrive, and in many cases continues on for life. The more care and attention you give this journey and relationship, the stronger and deeper the bond, the clearer the wisdom shared and easier it will be to integrate within.

Our experience is that plants communicate and respond with energy, and are incredibly sensitive to their environments and to the vibrations of the humans around them. With this in mind, when preparing mentally and physically for your dieta, we encourage you to seek loving and nurturing environments pre and post-dieta; to engage as often as possible with loving thoughts and actions; to grow seeds of joy within; find pleasure in creativity, and to see any challenges that may arise from the dietary and sexual restrictions as part of the healing and gift to yourself.

Master plant we work with

Your Journey

The dieta is a journey that does not start and finish when you arrive with us, the journey with the plant spirit begins before you arrive, and in many cases continues on for life. The more care and attention you give this journey and relationship, the stronger and deeper the bond, the clearer the wisdom shared and easier it will be to integrate within.

Our experience is that plants communicate and respond with energy, and are incredibly sensitive to their environments and to the vibrations of the humans around them. With this in mind, when preparing mentally and physically for your dieta, we encourage you to seek loving and nurturing environments pre and post-dieta; to engage as often as possible with loving thoughts and actions; to grow seeds of joy within; find pleasure in creativity, and to see any challenges that may arise from the dietary and sexual restrictions as part of the healing and gift to yourself.

Master plant we work with


Please abstain from the following prior to, during, and after your retreat:

Please abstain from the following prior to, during, and after your retreat:

Please abstain from the following prior to, during, and after your retreat:

Before your Dieta 

• Antidepressants, SSRI's, anti-anxiety medication - taper off with support of your doctor and discontinue completely ideally 3 months prior. The minimum is 6 weeks before, but experience has shown us that withdrawal symptoms begin to kick in around 7 weeks. Ideally you will have stabilized emotionally before coming to do a dieta.

4 - weeks before NO:

• Pork
• Cannabis
• All street drugs (cocaine, MDMA, amphetamines, etc.) – obligatory for your safety

One month before, during and after:

 • Pork
• Sexual activities & thoughts of any kind, including masturbation
• Alcohol
• Marijuana
• All street drugs (cocaine, MDMA, amphetamines, etc.) – obligatory for your safety
• Spicy foods
• Ice, ice cream, or ice cold drinks
•  Pharmaceutical drugs


• Antidepressants, SSRI's, anti-anxiety medication - taper off with support of your doctor and discontinue completely ideally 3 months prior. The minimum is 6 weeks before, but experience has shown us that withdrawal symptoms begin to kick in around 7 weeks. Ideally you will have stabilized emotionally before coming to do a dieta.

4 - weeks before NO:

• Pork
• Cannabis
• All street drugs (cocaine, MDMA, amphetamines, etc.) – obligatory for your safety


Two weeks before NO:

  • Most pharmaceutical drugs & antibiotics
  • alcohol
  • Red meats
  • Junk foods, processed foods, canned foods
  • Spicy food - chilli, hot sauce, Indian/Thai food etc. 
  • Added Spices, including chilli
  • Animal fats & dairy products (lard, etc.)
  • Carbonated drinks (including diet sodas, energy drinks, non-alcoholic beer)
  • Certain supplements: St John's Wort, Kava, Kratom, Ephedra, Ginseng, Yohimbe, Sinicuichi, Rhodiola, Rosea, Kanna, Boswellia, Nutmeg, Scrotch Broom, Licorice Root
  • Kambo, Microdosing, Psilocybin, Wachuma etc

*Begin to cut down on salt & sugar intake 


Two weeks before, during and after:

• Added alt & refined sugars
• Oils (can use olive oil sparingly) 
• Red meats
• Junk foods
• Salt & pepper
• Added Spices, including chilli
• Sweets or chocolate
• Oils (if you must use oil, use olive or coconut oil very sparingly)
• Animal fats (lard, etc.)
• Factory Raised Fowl
• Carnivorous and Farm Raised Fish
• Carbonated drinks (including diet sodas, energy drinks, non-alcoholic beer)
• Dairy products
• Fermented foods
• Fruit, Specifically Acidic and Over-Ripened (Fermenting)
• Pungent and Caustic Vegetables
• Caffeine & other stimulants

Two weeks before NO:

Most pharmaceutical drugs & antibiotics
Red meats
Junk foods, processed foods, canned foods
Spicy food - chilli, hot sauce, Indian/Thai food etc. 
Added Spices, including chilli
Animal fats & dairy products (lard, etc.)
Carbonated drinks (including diet sodas, energy drinks, non-alcoholic beer)
Certain supplements: St John's Wort, Kava, Kratom, Ephedra, Ginseng, Yohimbe, Sinicuichi, Rhodiola, Rosea, Kanna, Boswellia, Nutmeg, Scrotch Broom, Licorice Root
Kambo, Microdosing, Psilocybin, Wachuma etc
*Begin to cut down on salt & sugar intake 


One week before NO

  • Sexual activity & sexual thoughts of any kind, including self pleasure
  • Very sweet, acidic and over-ripened (fermenting) fruits - fruits in moderation is ok.
  • Caffeine & other stimulants (cacao, coffee, maté, black tea, etc)
  • All dairy products
  • Pungent or caustic vegetables 
  • Fermented foods (soy sauce, pickles, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso)
  • Sweets & chocolate
  • Refined sugar
  • Seafood and ocean fish
  • Dramatically cut down on added salt & refined sugar
  • Added spices, including chilli & pepper
  • Ice, cold drinks or ice cream
  • Supplements or superfoods that have a strong energetic effect on the body (Ayurvedic or Chinese herbs, maca, medicinal mushrooms, cacao etc)
  • Oils (a VERY small amount of olive oil is ok)
  • Advil, Tylenol, or other mild pharmaceuticals 
  • Hapé & Sananga


Two weeks before, during and after:

• Added alt & refined sugars
• Oils (can use olive oil sparingly) 
• Red meats
• Junk foods
• Salt & pepper
• Added Spices, including chilli
• Sweets or chocolate
• Oils (if you must use oil, use olive or coconut oil very sparingly)
• Animal fats (lard, etc.)
• Factory Raised Fowl
• Carnivorous and Farm Raised Fish
• Carbonated drinks (including diet sodas, energy drinks, non-alcoholic beer)
• Dairy products
• Fermented foods
• Fruit, Specifically Acidic and Over-Ripened (Fermenting)
• Pungent and Caustic Vegetables
• Caffeine & other stimulants

Two weeks before, during and after:

• Added alt & refined sugars
• Oils (can use olive oil sparingly) 
• Red meats
• Junk foods
• Salt & pepper
• Added Spices, including chilli
• Sweets or chocolate
• Oils (if you must use oil, use olive or coconut oil very sparingly)
• Animal fats (lard, etc.)
• Factory Raised Fowl
• Carnivorous and Farm Raised Fish
• Carbonated drinks (including diet sodas, energy drinks, non-alcoholic beer)
• Dairy products
• Fermented foods
• Fruit, Specifically Acidic and Over-Ripened (Fermenting)
• Pungent and Caustic Vegetables
• Caffeine & other stimulants


Post Diet Restrictions

1 month - 3 months after (depending on the plant - bigger trees and learning plants means a longer post diet)


- Sexual activity & sexual thoughts of any kind, including self pleasure
- Pork
- Plant Medicines (Iboga, Huachuma (San Pedro), Peyote, Mushrooms etc.)
- Ayahuasca with other maestros
- Pharmaceuticals (please consult with us about which ones may be suitible or not) 
- Recreational drugs/psychedelics
- Chillis
- Intense emotional situations, high stress, or conflict 

1 Week - 3 Weeks after (depending on the plant - bigger trees and learning plants means a longer post diet)

  • Pineapple, mango, watermelon, Very sweet, acidic and over-ripened (fermenting) fruits - fruits in moderation is ok.
  • Caffeine & Cacao
  • All dairy products
  • Squash/pumpkin, mushrooms
  • nuts and seeds, nut butters, tahini 
  • Fermented foods (soy sauce, pickles, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso)
  • Raw fish (sushi/ceviche), smoked fish
  • Red meat
  • Sweets & chocolate
  • Use salt lightly
  • chilli & pepper, garam masala, curry powder
  • Tumeric
  • Ice, cold drinks or ice cream
  • Supplements or superfoods that have a strong energetic effect on the body (Ayurvedic or Chinese herbs, maca, medicinal mushrooms, cacao etc)
  • Oils (a VERY small amount of olive oil is ok)
  • Advil, Tylenol, or other mild pharmaceuticals 


Two weeks before, during and after:

• Added alt & refined sugars
• Oils (can use olive oil sparingly) 
• Red meats
• Junk foods
• Salt & pepper
• Added Spices, including chilli
• Sweets or chocolate
• Oils (if you must use oil, use olive or coconut oil very sparingly)
• Animal fats (lard, etc.)
• Factory Raised Fowl
• Carnivorous and Farm Raised Fish
• Carbonated drinks (including diet sodas, energy drinks, non-alcoholic beer)
• Dairy products
• Fermented foods
• Fruit, Specifically Acidic and Over-Ripened (Fermenting)
• Pungent and Caustic Vegetables
• Caffeine & other stimulants

One week before NO

Sexual activity & sexual thoughts of any kind, including self pleasure
Very sweet, acidic and over-ripened (fermenting) fruits - fruits in moderation is ok.
Caffeine & other stimulants (cacao, coffee, maté, black tea, etc)
All dairy products
Pungent or caustic vegetables 
Fermented foods (soy sauce, pickles, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso)
Sweets & chocolate
Refined sugar
Seafood and ocean fish
Dramatically cut down on added salt & refined sugar
Added spices, including chilli & pepper
Ice, cold drinks or ice cream
Supplements or superfoods that have a strong energetic effect on the body (Ayurvedic or Chinese herbs, maca, medicinal mushrooms, cacao etc)
Oils (a VERY small amount of olive oil is ok)
Advil, Tylenol, or other mild pharmaceuticals 
Hapé & Sananga

Post Diet Restrictions

1 month - 3 months after (depending on the plant - bigger trees and learning plants means a longer post diet)


- Sexual activity & sexual thoughts of any kind, including self pleasure
- Pork
- Plant Medicines (Iboga, Huachuma (San Pedro), Peyote, Mushrooms etc.)
- Ayahuasca with other maestros
- Strong Pharmaceuticals (please consult with us about which ones may be suitible or not) 
- Recreational drugs/psychedelics
- Chillis
- Intense emotional situations, high stress, or conflict 

1 Week - 3 Weeks after (depending on the plant - bigger trees and learning plants means a longer post diet)


- Pineapple, mango, watermelon, Very sweet, acidic and over-ripened (fermenting) fruits - fruits in moderation is ok.
- Caffeine & Cacao
- All dairy products
- Squash/pumpkin, mushrooms
- nuts and seeds, nut butters, tahini 
- Fermented foods (soy sauce, pickles, kimchi, - sauerkraut, miso)
- Raw fish (sushi/ceviche), smoked fish
- Red meat
- Sweets & chocolate
- Use salt lightly
- chilli & pepper, garam masala, curry powder
- Tumeric
- Ice, cold drinks or ice cream
- Supplements or superfoods that have a strong energetic effect on the body (Ayurvedic or Chinese herbs, maca, medicinal mushrooms, cacao etc)
- Oils (a VERY small amount of olive oil is ok)
- Advil, Tylenol, or other mild pharmaceuticals 


Additional restrictions:

• IMPORTANT: Please contact us if you are currently taking any medication or
• Ayahuasca and plant diets are not compatible with pregnancy.
• If you will be menstruating during the retreat, please inform your facilitators when
you arrive.
• Avoidance of synthetic soaps, perfumes, toiletries, etc. During the days of your diet, you are asked to refrain from using all soaps, shampoos and deoderant.


Additional restrictions:

IMPORTANT: Please contact us if you are currently taking any medication or
• Ayahuasca is not compatible with pregnancy.
• If you will be menstruating during the retreat, please inform your facilitators when
you arrive.
• Avoidance of synthetic soaps, perfumes, toiletries, etc.

Additional Restrictions:

• IMPORTANT: Please contact us if you are currently taking any medication or
• Ayahuasca is not compatible with pregnancy.
• If you will be menstruating during the retreat, please inform your facilitators when
you arrive.
• Avoidance of synthetic soaps, perfumes, toiletries, etc.


The post-dieta restrictions were passed down from generations of maestros and communicated to us by our own maestros.


The post-dieta restrictions were passed down from generations of maestros and communicated to us by our own maestros.

The post-dieta restrictions were passed down from generations of maestros and communicated to us by our own maestros. 

Having had our own experiences we can confirm the high importance of adhering to these recommendations. Consequences for breaking post-dieta restrictions can range from discomfort to endangering your health; physically, mentally and emotionally. It has been our experience that when post-dieta restrictions are not respected chaos can enter a participant’s life; illnesses, accidents, emotional and mental confusion, and a general lack of clarity in daily life and relationships. We share this to be transparent and highlight the importance of dedication and respect to this journey. When you complete the dieta at Niwe Rao Xobo you have been thoroughly cleansed within and energetically aligned to your soul’s path, but the responsibility for this energetic work to flourish and thrive rests with each individual guest. 

Having had our own experiences we can confirm the high importance of adhering to these recommendations. Consequences for breaking post-dieta restrictions can range from discomfort to endangering your health; physically, mentally and emotionally. It has been our experience that when post-dieta restrictions are not respected chaos can enter a participant’s life; illnesses, accidents, emotional and mental confusion, and a general lack of clarity in daily life and relationships. We share this to be transparent and highlight the importance of dedication and respect to this journey. When you complete the dieta at Niwe Rao Xobo you have been thoroughly cleansed within and energetically aligned to your soul’s path, but the responsibility for this energetic work to flourish and thrive rests with each individual guest. 

Having had our own experiences we can confirm the high importance of adhering to these recommendations. Consequences for breaking post-dieta restrictions can range from discomfort to endangering your health; physically, mentally and emotionally. It has been our experience that when post-dieta restrictions are not respected chaos can enter a participant’s life; illnesses, accidents, emotional and mental confusion, and a general lack of clarity in daily life and relationships. We do not share this to scare you but to be transparent and highlight the importance of dedication and respect to this journey. When you complete the dieta at Niwe Rao Xobo you have been thoroughly cleansed within and energetically aligned to your soul’s path, but the responsibility for this energetic work to flourish and thrive rests with each individual guest. 

Having had our own experiences we can confirm the high importance of adhering to these recommendations. Consequences for breaking post-dieta restrictions can range from discomfort to endangering your health; physically, mentally and emotionally. It has been our experience that when post-dieta restrictions are not respected chaos can enter a participant’s life; illnesses, accidents, emotional and mental confusion, and a general lack of clarity in daily life and relationships. We do not share this to scare you but to be transparent and highlight the importance of dedication and respect to this journey. When you complete the dieta at Niwe Rao Xobo you have been thoroughly cleansed within and energetically aligned to your soul’s path, but the responsibility for this energetic work to flourish and thrive rests with each individual guest. 

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